Champions League X Scheule

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Champions League X Scheule

Post by Cheapthief » Sat Sep 30, 2023 3:00 pm

2023-24 Champions League Schedule:


Canadian Gothic
The Big M's
Puck Warfare


Magically Delicious
Cheap Thieves


Scarborough Shooters
Shoot Loose
PK Dealers
Winning Combination


Red Ravens
Screamin' Eagles

Game 1 Oct 14th
Canadian Gothic 4.5 vs Puck Warfare 7
Greaseballs 3.5 vs Shortstackers 1.5
The Big M's 5.5 vs Underdogs 7.5
Magically Delicious 3.5 vs Mustangs 5.5
Whalers 1.5 OT WIN vs Cheap Thieves 1.5
Broadway 4 vs Shoot Loose 4.5
Scarborough Shooters 1 vs PK Dealers 2.5
Winning Combinatioon 4.5 vs Screamin' Eagles 6
Steelheads 6.5 vs Red Ravens 4
Swackers 2.5 vs Ingmen 7

Game 2 Oct 19th
Canadian Gothic 3.5 vs Greaseballs 4
Puck Warfare 3 vs The Big M's 3.5
Shortstackers 5.5 vs Whalers 2.5
Magically Delicious 3.5 vs Underdogs 1
Mustangs 5 vs Cheap Thieves 0
Broadway 2.5 vs Scarborough Shooters 2.5 TIE
Shoot Loose 6 vs Winning Combination 5.5
PK Dealers 2.5 vs Swackers 1
Steelheads 0 vs Screamin' Eagles 6.5
Red Ravens 1.5 vs Ingmen 4.5

Game 3 Oct 21st
Canadian Gothic 4 vs Shortstackers 5
Greaseballs 1.5 vs The Big M's 3.5
Puck Warfare 4.5 vs Mustangs 2
Magically Delicious 0 vs Cheap Thieves 5
Whalers 6.5 vs Underdogs 4
Broadway 4.5 vs PK Dealers 3.5
Scarborough Shooters 2 vs Winning Combination 4
Shoot Loose 2.5 vs Red Ravens 3
Steelheads 4 vs Ingmen 3
Swackers 3.5 vs Screamin' Eagles 4.5

Game 4 Oct 24th
Canadian Gothic 4 vs The Big M's 8.5
Puck Warfare 3.5 vs Shortstackers 2
Greaseballs 2 vs Magically Delicious 1
Whalers -1.5 vs Mustangs 1.5
Underdogs 6 vs Cheap Thieves 4
Broadway -0.5 vs Winning Combination 11
Shoot Loose 4.5 vs Pkdealers 2.5
Scarboorough Shooters 2 vs Steelheads 7
Swackers 1 vs Red Ravens 1.5
Screamin' Eagles 2.5 vs Ingmen 7.5

Game 5 Oct 26th
Puck Warfare 1 vs Greaseballs 2
Shortstackers 1.5 vs The Big M's -0.5
Canadian Gothic 4 vs Cheap Thieves 4.5
Magically Delicious 2.5 vs Whalers 5.5
Mustangs 1 vs Underdogs 4
Shoot Loose 2 vs Scarborough Shooters 4.5
PK Dealers 0.5 vs Winning Combination -2
Broadway 2.5 vs Ingmen 0
Steelheads -0.5 vs Swackers 2.5
Red Ravens 3.5 vs Screamin' Eagles 2.5

Game 6 Nov 2nd
Canadian Gothic 3 vs Puck Warfare 1
Greaseballs 5 vs Shortstackers 0.5
The Big M's 4 vs Whalers 0
Magically Delicious 1 vs Underdogs 2.5
Mustangs 4.5 vs Cheap Thieves 4
Broadway 2.5 vs Shoot Loose 9
Scarborough Shooters 0.5 vs PK Dealers 6
Swackers -1 vs Winning Combination 4
Steelheads -2 vs Screamin' Eagles 10.5
Red Ravens 3 vs Ingmen 2

Game 7 Nov 4th
Canadian Gothic 5.5 vs Greaseballs 4.5
Puck Warfare 3 vs The Big M's 5
Shortstackers 2.5 vs Mustangs 0.5
Magically Delicious 0.5 vs Cheap Thieves 5.5
Whalers 4 OT WIN vs Underdogs 4
Broadway 6 vs Scarborough Shooters 4.5
Shoot Loose 3.5 vs Winning Combination 7
PK Dealers 3.5 vs Red Ravens 1.5
Steelheads 1 vs Ingmen 2
Swackers 6.5 vs Screamin' Eagles 1.5

Game 8 Nov 11th
Canadian Gothic 6 vs Shortstackers 1.5
Greaseballs 0 vs The Big M's 3.5
Magically Delicious 5 vs Puck Warfare 0.5
Whalers 3 vs Mustangs 0.5
Underdogs 1 vs Cheap Thieves 3
Broadway 3 vs PK Dealers 2
Scarborough Shooters 3 vs Winning Combination 0.5
Shoot Loose 4.5 vs Steelheads -0.5
Swackers 2 vs Red Ravens 1
Screamin' Eagles 1.5 vs Ingmen -0.5

Game 9 Nov 18th
Canadian Gothic 4 vs The Big M's 1
Puck Warfare 1 vs Shortstackers 2
Greaseballs 3.5 vs Cheap Thieves 5
Magically Delicious 5.5 vs Whalers 9
Mustangs 0 vs Underdogs 4.5
Broadway 3.5 vs Winning Combination 3
Shoot Loose 4.5 vs PK Dealers 3
Scarborough Shooters 3 vs Ingmen 3 OT WIN
Steelheads 3 vs Swackers 0.5
Red Ravens 1.5 vs Screamin' Eagles 4.5

Game 10 Nov 22nd
Puck Warfare 2 vs Greaseballs 5.5
Shortstackers 2.5 vs The Big M's 4
Canadian Gothic 1.5 vs Underdogs 2.5
Magically Delicious 4 vs Mustangs 1.5
Whalers 2.5 vs Cheap Thieves 2
Shoot Loose 4 vs Scarborough Shooters 2
PK Dealers 4 vs Winning Combination 2
Broadway 2 vs Screamin' Eagles 4
Steelheads 4.5 vs Red Ravens -0.5
Swackers 3 vs Ingmen 5

Game 11 Nov 24th
Canadian Gothic 6.5 vs Magically Delicious 3.5
Puck Warfare 2 vs Whalers 4
Greaseballs 0.5 vs Mustangs 2
Shortstackers -0.5 vs Underdogs 8.5
The Big M's 2 vs Cheap Thieves 2.5
Broadway 3.5 OT WIN vs Steelheads 3.5
Shoot Loose 0.5 vs Swackers 2.5
Scarborough Shooters 2 vs Red Ravens 5
PK Dealers 1.5 vs Screamin' Eagles 0.5
Winning Combination 4.5 vs Ingmen 1.5

Game 12 Nov 30th
Canadian Gothic 3.5 OT WIN vs Puck Warfare 3.5
Greaseballs 1.5 vs Shortstackers 3
The Big M's 3 vs Mustangs 1.5
Magically Delicious 5.5 vs Cheap Thieves 5
Whalers 3 vs Underdogs 5
Broadway 1.5 vs Shoot Loose 6.5
Scarborough Shooters 3 vs PK Dealers -2.5
Winning Combination 1 vs Red Ravens 3
Steelheads 4.5 vs Ingmen 3.5
Swackers 2.5 vs Screamin' Eagles 1.5

Game 13 Dec 2nd
Canadian Gothic 1.5 vs Greaseballs 3
Puck Warfare 4.5 vs The Big M's 3.5
Shortstackers 6 vs Magically Delicious 0.5
Whalers 4 vs Mustangs 1
Underdogs -1 vs Cheap Thieves 6
Broadway 4.5 vs Scarborough Shooters 3
Shoot Loose 4 vs Winning Combination 1
Steelheads 3 vs PK Dealers 4.5
Swackers -1 vs Red Ravens -0.5
Screamin' Eagles 4.5 vs Ingmen 5

Game 14 Dec 7th
Canadian Gothic 3.5 vs Shortstackers 3.5 OT WIN
Greaseballs 0 vs The Big M's -0.5
Puck Warfare -0.5 vs Cheap Thieves 6
Magically Delicious 0.5 vs Whalers 2
Mustangs 1.5 vs Underdogs 5
Broadway -0.5 vs PK Dealers 1.5
Scarborough Shooters 5.5 vs Winning Combination 1
Shoot Loose 0.5 vs Ingmen 1
Steelheads 2.5 vs Swackers 1.5
Red Ravens 4.5 vs Screamin' Eagles 6.5

Game 15 Dec 9th
Canadian Gothic 1.5 vs The Big M's 1
Greaseballs 1.5 vs Shortstackers 4
Puck Warfare 4 vs Underdogs -1.5
Magically Delicious 3 vs Mustangs 4
Whalers 3.5 vs Cheap Thieves 2
Broadway 6 vs Winning Combination 0
Shoot Loose 0.5 vs PK Dealers 1
Scarborough Shooters 1.5 vs Screamin' Eagles 0
Steelheads 3 vs Red Ravens 1
Swackers 0.5 vs Ingmen 4

Game 16 dec 16th
Puck Warfare 5.5 vs Greaseballs 3.5
Shortstackers 4 vs The Big M's 1
Canadian Gothic 1.5 vs Whalers 1.5 OT WIN
Magically Delicious 3 vs Underdogs 2
Mustangs 2.5 vs Cheap Thieves 4
Shoot Loose 3.5 vs Scarborough Shooters 2
PK Dealers -0.5 vs Winning Combination 3
Broadway 1.5 vs Swackers 6.5
Steelheads 2 vs Screamin' Eagles 1
Red Ravens 1.5 vs Ingmen 0

Game 17 Dec 19th
Canadian Gothic 2.5 OT WIN vs Puck Warfare 2.5
Greaseballs 1.5 vs Shortstackers -0.5
The Big M's 2.5 vs Magically Delicious 2.5 OT WIN
Whalers 3.5 vs Mustangs 0
Underdogs 6 vs Cheap Thieves 5
Broadway 4 vs Shoot Loose 2
Scarborough Shooters 4 vs PK Dealers 3
Winning Combination 2.5 vs Steelheads 4.5
Swackers 3 vs Red Ravens 2.5
Screamin' Eagles 2.5 vs Ingmen 3

Game 18 Dec 21st
Canadian Gothic 4 vs Greaseballs 2.5
The Big M's 8 vs Puck Warfare -2
Shortstackers 7.5 vs Cheap Thieves 2
Underdogs 6.5 vs Mustangs -0.5
Magically Delicious -0.5 vs Whalers 4.5
Broadway 2 vs Scarborough Shooters 4
Shoot Loose 1.5 vs Winning Combination 3
PK Dealers 1.5 vs Ingmen 4
Steelheads 5 vs Swackers 1.5
Red Ravens 1.5 vs Screamin' Eagles 2.5

Game 19 Dec 23rd
Canadian Gothic 0.5 vs Shortstackers 5
Greaseballs 4.5 vs The Big M's 5.5
Puck Warfare 3.5 vs Underdogs 4.5
Magically Delicious 3.5 vs Mustangs 5
Whalers 3 vs Cheap Thieves 3 OT WIN
Broadway 6 vs PK Dealers 1
Scarborough Shooters 0 vs Winning Combination 5.5
Shoot Loose 1.5 vs Screamin' Eagles 3
Steelheads 5 vs Red Ravens 2.5
Swackers 3 vs Ingmen 5

Game 20 dec 27 th
Canadian Gothic 7 vs The Big M's 2
Puck Warfare 0 vs Shortstackers 5.5
Whalers 4 vs Greaseballs 1
Magically Delicious 1.5 vs Underdogs 1.5 TIE
Mustangs 1 vs Cheap Thieves 4.5
Broadway 8.5 vs Winning Combination 0.5
Shoot Loose 1.5 vs PK Dealers 4
Swackers 2 vs Scarborough Shooters 0
Steelheads -0.5 vs Screamin' Eagles 3
Red Ravens 2 vs Ingmen 1

Game 21 Jan 2nd
Puck Warfare 2 vs Greaseballs 7
Shortstackers 6 vs The Big M's 2.5
Canadian Gothic 1.5 vs Mustangs 6
Magically Delicious 3.5 vs Cheap Thieves 5
Whalers 4 vs Underdogs 2.5
Shoot Loose 1.5 vs Scarborough Shooters -0.5
PK Dealers 2 vs Winning Combination 2 TIE
Red Ravens 0 vs Broadway 7.5
Steelheads 3 vs Ingmen 1.5
Swackers 2.5 vs Screamin' Eagles 2

Jan 4th

#2 Canadian Gothic 5 vs #3 The Big M's 5 (Canadian Gothic lead series 1-0)
#2 Underdogs 2.5 vs #3 Cheap Thieves 3.5 (Cheap Thieves lead series 1-0)
#2 PK Dealers 1 vs #3 Shoot Loose 4.5 (Shoot Loose lead series 1-0)
#2 Ingmen 5 vs Screamin' Eagles 3 (Ingmen lead series 1-0)


#2 Canadian Gothic 1 vs #3 The Big M's 4 (Series tied 1-1)
#2 Underdogs 1 vs #3 Cheap Thieves 4.5 (Cheap Thieves win series 2-0)
#2 PK Dealers 2.5 vs #3 Shoot Loose 6.5 (Shoot Loose wins series 2-0)
#2 Ingmen 2.5 vs Screamin' Eagles -2.5 (Ingmen win series 2-0)


#2 Canadian Gothic 0.5 vs #3 The Big M's 3 (The Big M's win series 2-1)


Jan 13th

#1 Shortstackers 5.5 vs The Big M's 2 (Shortstackers lead series 1-0)
#1 Whalers 1.5 vs #3 Cheap Thieves 2.5 (Cheap Thieves lead series 1-0)
#1 Broadway 2.5 vs #3 Shoot Loose 6 (Shoot Loose lead series 1-0)
#1 Steelheads 1.5 vs #2 Ingmen 4 (Ingmen lead series 1-0)

Jan 20th

#1 Shortstackers 6 vs The Big M's 6.5 (Series tied 1-1)
#1 Whalers 2 vs #3 Cheap Thieves 6 (Cheap Thieves lead series 2-0)
#1 Broadway 1 vs #3 Shoot Loose 3.5 (Shoot Loose lead series 2-0)
#1 Steelheads 0 vs #2 Ingmen 3.5 (Ingmen lead series 2-0)

Jan 27th

#1 Shortstackers 1.5 vs The Big M's 3 (The Big M's lead series 2-1)
#1 Whalers 6.5 vs #3 Cheap Thieves 4 (Cheap Thieves lead series 2-1)
#1 Broadway 9.5 vs #3 Shoot Loose 5 (Shoot Loose leads series 2-1)
#1 Steelheads 3.5 vs #2 Ingmen 0.5 (Ingmen lead series 2-1)

Feb 10th

#1 Shortstackers 2 vs The Big M's 2 (Series tied 2-2)
#1 Whalers 5.5 vs #3 Cheap Thieves 5.5 (Series tied 2-2)
#1 Broadway 2 vs #3 Shoot Loose 3.5 (Shoot Loose wins series 3-1)
#1 Steelheads -0.5 vs #2 Ingmen 4.5 (Ingmen wins series 3-1)

Feb 13th

#1 Shortstackers 4.5 vs The Big M's 1 (Shortstackers win series 3-2)
#1 Whalers vs #3 Cheap Thieves (Whalers win series 3-2)

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